
The Border

Under Article1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution, if we are under invasion and in imminent danger our state has the right, and indeed the duty to protect our citizens. We have been in imminent danger for some time now. The border should be shut down temporarily even to immigrants wanting to come in legally.  A temporary but complete shutdown would provide for a period of much-needed healing and recovery for our state border officials and for the citizens of Texas.  During this time, those who have entered illegally should be cleared out.  After a temporary shutdown, we can begin a steady process of welcoming those who wish to enter our country by way of proper and legal channels.

Whoever heard of a house with no walls?  Without a border, we have no state and no country.  We must continue the construction of the border wall, and strengthen and rebuild our border, first and foremost for the protection of the citizens of Texas. The ultimate view in mind would be, of course, to restore a major part of our culture’s identity.  That of hope for the immigrant…a beacon light of justice for the refugee. This is the Texas and the America we know and love!   It is obvious that our federal government refuses to take action.  We must, on a state level, act immediately under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of our Constitution.

Property Tax Relief

Ownership creates dignity and stability. It is what our founders referred to in the Declaration of Independence as, “the pursuit of happiness”. Texans who own property should not be punished but rewarded for having a claim in this great state. We must heed the voice of the people, not the whims of politicians with ulterior motives. The people have made it clear on the ballot for years that they want the property tax eliminated!

We can phase it out in a decade or less. The funds will go back into the pockets of property owners to regenerate a thriving economy. It will also help Texas families keep family land for posterity. Our lands should not be sold to any foreign governments, much less the Chinese Communist Party. We need a policy that protects our lands from foreign entities, but how much better if we make it easier for Texans to keep the land they own?!

Career politicians (my opponent, Jay Dean, for one) like to boast that $14 billion is the biggest tax break in the history of our state. The best-kept secret, however, is that at the beginning of this most recent 88th Congressional session, there was over $30 billion in surplus owed to Texans. Where is the over 16 billion dollar balance? Texans should hold their congressmen in check. They should demand that these funds be accounted for!

School Choice

School Choice can be an excellent policy and a solid weapon for the breaking up of the public school monopoly.  It’s time to put the power of choice back in the hands of the parents.  School Choice, however, must be done right and guarded thereafter with all vigilance. Economic consultant Vance Ginn gives the best explanation I know in a blog post titled, “I Want School Choice in Texas, But Not Like This” (  I quote:  

“The way to do this is by making the eligibility and funding for education savings accounts (ESAs) available for all 6.3 million school-age students.  ESAs put the power of choosing kids’ schooling in parents’ hands... ESAs would be funded through the current school finance system and other general funds or new tax credits as necessary.”

The right of school choice for parents requires constant guarding from government regulations.  Funding should stay close to home within our own state.  Federal control should be limited with a plan to eliminate federal dependence.  We must even be on the alert for a globalist agenda (see article by:  Lisa Logan;; “it’s a trap-UNESCO’s Vision for School Choice).  Our state has every right to refuse outside control.  The question is, can our own state government be trusted to do so?

Election Integrity

We must continue to require proof of identity, go back to same-day voting, and make anything that is not a paper ballot illegal!


I save this subject for last, not because it is the least.  Indeed, it is with great fear that I approach it.  If we understood that the Declaration of Independence is the heartbeat of the constitution of our land there would be no argument concerning a human being’s right to live.  

I quote:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident.  That all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.  Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  -That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men.”

Governments are instituted among men to secure the right of life to the individual not to take it away.  

Abortion along with child trafficking has become the slave trade of our time.  Whole nations rise or fall on the issue of how the “least” among us are treated.  Even if there was no proof that life begins at conception, what kind of people have we become that would even push the envelope on such an issue? The Bottom line is…God, the Creator, wants men to have life and to be free! If 56 men from diverse walks of life and faith would sign away their very lives for the right to stand on this principle, how much more should we be willing to guard it with all vigilance? 

 Abortion not only violates the right to life of the unborn but also harms the emotional well-being of women and may put their very lives in danger as well.  But for the grace of God, the emotional and sometimes physical damage is irreparable. Special interest groups who say otherwise do not want women to know how much profit they make from this industry.  Fortunately, with the overturn of Roe vs Wade, our nation is freed from the scourge of abortion.  On a state level, however, Texas needs to continue to lead the way in abolishing abortion.  I will always stand for and promote legislation that protects the right to life to every human being, born and preborn.


You will find a common thread running through my views on not only these issues but every issue that concerns “We the People”.  The connecting thread is my commitment to return to the principles of our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and our United States Constitution. The principles that are embodied in our original documents are tried and true.  Whether on a national or state level, they provide rock-bottom stability for cultures.  If we have learned anything from the past 50 years of disregard for truths we hold to be self-evident, it is that a culture that fails to value its foundation built on such principles as we are so blessed to possess soon finds itself in rapid decline.  So, I come to you not with eloquence or a long list of credentials behind my name, but with something that history shows is far greater. Currently, we find ourselves in a cultural war.  Wars fought for the things that are true were never won with leaders who love to hear the sound of their own voices, or with great experience or big titles, but with leaders who have heart and passion for the cause of liberty.  As my love for God, family, state, and country continues to swell, this is the kind of leader I aspire to be for you!  Thank you for your support!